Only 5% people delivery baby on due date. The first stage is cervix dilation.
Symtoms :
1. Thick mucus discharge or blood strained discharge.
2. Fluid leak/gush.
3. Low back pain.
4. Contraction starts with/without vomiting or diarrhea.
Urgent medical attention is needed when :
1. Colored discharge (brown, green etc.,) with foul smell.
2. Bright red bleeding.
3. Severe continuous abdominal pain.
4. Feet/face swelling with continuous headache.
Types of Delivery :
1. Normal Delivery
i. spontaneous delivery
ii. induced delivery (with gel, tablet or trip with Oxytocin)
2. Instrumental Delivery
i. forceps delivery
ii. vacuum delivery
3. Caesarian Delivery
Planned caesarian reasons :
1. Previous caesarian.
2. Uncomfortable position of the child.
3. Decreased fluid.
4. Medical condition of the mother.
5. Birth canal too small.
6. Cervix dilation not enough.
Unplanned caesarian reasons :
During the course of labor -
1. Head descending failed.
2. Rotation failed.
3. Cervix dilation failed.
4. Baby showing distress.
5. Sudden complication for the mother.
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